Thursday, October 4, 2007

When 5 year olds make you feel like a million bucks

One of the most wonderful parts of my job is that I work with 5 year olds. These little creatures have a way of working magic on one's self-esteem.

We were counting cookies in cookie jars (not real cookies, but felt ones- otherwise we could chalk up my students reaction as a response to sugar and not my incredible wit). We started the lesson by reading a sentence on the board: There are three cookies in the cookie jar. I then counted out three cookies into my cookie jar making an intentional error. The kids irrupted into laughter. Apparently a teacher making a mistake is top-notch comedy for Kindergartners. The best part is that they never tired of the joke. With each sentence, I'd count wrong or write the wrong number, and always the same reaction of uncontrollable laughter. One boy announced after every mistake I made, "That's SO funny!"

Yeah, feels good.

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